Which version is better?


With Version Compare you can take the guesswork out of the equation.

It will continuously monitor and adjust your message based on which version more reliably converts your visitors into customers.

Version Compare is currently in private alpha.

Write us at hello@version.compare if you want to try it on your own site

Adding Version Compare to your site is trivial

1. Add the Version Compare embed to your website header (replacing siteid with the id you are given when signing up). Our embed is hosted on a globally distributed CDN and is currently less than 3KB large.
2. Add experiments to your site by annotating your dom nodes with data-vc-experiment, and data-vc-variant data-tags.
<div data-vc-experiment="cta" data-vc-variant="free">
  Try for free

<div data-vc-experiment="cta" data-vc-variant="urgency">
  Only limited copies available
You can add as many experiments as you want per page, and as many variants per experiment as you want, and furthermore as many dom elements per variant as you want too.
Version Compare will hide all but one variant per experiment.
3. Declare which page paths are considered a conversion. This you can do in the admin panel. When a visitor who has been exposed to an experiment visits one of your declared success pages, we will track it as a success for the given experimental variant.
4. Profit. There is nothing more for you to do. You can sit back and relax. Version Compare will do it's best to figure out which version performs best, and over time predominantly use that version, while also regularly checking if maybe the others have started performing better after all.

Do you use React?

Replace step 2 above with the following two steps:

2a. Add the following dependency to your project
npm i @version.compare/react
2b. Wrap your react components as follows
import VersionCompare from '@versioncompare/react';

const variants = {
  free: <FreeComponent />
  urgency: <UrgentComponent />

<VersionCompare experimentId="CTA" variants={{variants}}>
  Optionally a fallback component here
  that is shown in the time it takes the Version Compare
  machinery to figure out which version to use.
Copyright DoNoHarm.